Saturday, August 29, 2015

COME AND SEE - Prelude to a Pilgrimage

With just over two days to go before we begin our Pilgrimage-retreat I want to share with you images of the Church and Hospice of the Beatitudes in the Galilee where we will be staying for our first few days in the Holy Land. 

But first let me explain why we are beginning here when most pilgrimages end in this peaceful spot?The answer is simple.  This – fairly unique – pilgrimage seeks to follow in the steps of the Lord and trace his journey, which means we must travel from the peaceful Lakeside to the tempestuous City.  As pilgrims who are seeking to allow the Land to speak to us it is important to begin where Jesus began his ministry and then 'go down to Jerusalem'.   For this pilgrimage is not, simply, about going to holy places, it is also intended to enter into the heart of Jesus as he responded to his calling.  And if it was important for Jesus to begin in the Galilee, it is important for us, too.

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