The following is the text of an email sent to Rachel Cooke at The Guardian in response to an article on 'understanding the pandemic through the arts'
Dear Ms Cooke,
I was interested to read your article concerning Mary Beard’s comments that the arts might help us understand what we went through in the pandemic. Whilst realising how much Ms Beard has to offer and delighting in her presentations, I was reminded that, not long ago, society would have turned to religion to help that understanding. For religion was known to offer a fount of wisdom drawn from streams which have flowed for thousands of years from deep within the human and divine story. Sadly, the actions of some may have convinced others that – far from being a place to turn to for enlightenment – religion is for bigots, fundamentalists, and the unenlightened. But that storehouse, if neglected, is still there.
More than a prop or fable, God has been realised as the seat of wisdom. People have been reminded of the need to treasure up God’s ‘words’, to ‘incline’ their hearts to understanding the depths of divine revelation and find the ‘knowledge’ that comes from God. Drawing on these ancient ways the Church (and other faith groups) still has access to that wisdom of the ages to enlighten questions arising from the pandemic, and some of her members would be able to unfold this.
The outburst of that dark, hidden force was a shocking reminder that we are not in charge of our destiny but subject to powers beyond our control. Our forebears would know that we need to turn to God and say, ‘insh’allah’ – thy will be done - not in blind resignation, but with faith that God will bring life out of death and light out of darkness for God desires the good of creation. They would (as many still do) pray: ‘Deliver us, Lord … from every evil … ; that, by the help of your mercy, we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress, … ‘ for the pandemic carries another, darker, virus – the virus of fear. Faith teaches us to face life with caution and beware the danger of being trapped by anxiety and worry. Faith teaches us to look to God as that creative source of life which lies beyond the darkness.
Ms Beard has the knowledge to open the wisdom of the Arts, but religion has the ability to offer a deeper wisdom, the divine wisdom of the ages contained in the pages of so many sacred books and in the experience of saints and mystics. Perhaps you could find some room to share this, too?
With best wishes,
yours faithfully,
(Fr.) John-Francis Friendship TSSF
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