Friday, February 26, 2021


'Spiritual Direction is the contemplative practice
of helping another person or group
to awaken to the mystery called God in all life
and to respond to that discovery
in a growing relationship of freedom and commitment.'

(W.A.Barry SJ and W.J.Connelly SJ)

We are all aware of the physical, psychological and emotional aspects of our nature, but to be fully human means we are open to developing our spiritual nature as well.

The spiritual is experienced in a variety of ways.  Whilst many are common to humanity there are aspects unique to the individual.  Some have recognised and developed their spiritual nature, and all religions seek to address this aspect of our humanity.  A Spiritual Director (sometimes called a 'Soul Friend' or 'Spiritual Accompanier') is one who, through their particular gifts and training has developed certain skills to help individuals explore a deeper relationship with themselves and that which lies beyond - the Other.

Whilst Spiritual Direction addresses the whole person it differs from psycho-therapy or counselling in being the process of accompanying a person on their journey into wholeness and holiness as they seek to respond to the call of that which lies deepest within them, which many call God.  It offers a welcoming space to explore.  It is non-judgmental.  It is not about telling people how to behave but how to listen and respond to the movements going on within them.

Spiritual Direction provides a relationship that affirms the Directee in their desire to grow towards God and enables them to be honest, providing a safe space where woundedness is gently accepted as life-stories are explored.


Personal information

Spiritual Direction and Supervision of those in ministry

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