Sunday, January 17, 2021


Recently I was told that a neighbour had passed away and was invited to sign a card for his widow. I am sorry for her and the grief she probably feels and will, indeed, sign the card and express support and condolences.

But I do wonder at the term ‘passed away’. I’ve noticed it being increasingly used in place of ‘died’, or ‘passing’ in place of death, and wonder – why the euphemism? Is it that ‘death’ seems so dark and final, the logical, but unspeakable, consequence of not believing that anything comes afterwards – that we simply cease to be? But, if that’s the case, what do we ‘pass on’ to? We speak of passing as a movement from one place to another, or as the opposite of failing as one might an exam, so that we can move on to greater things. But if there is nothing to ‘pass on’ to, isn’t the term meaningless?

The New Testament does, indeed, speak about this ‘passing’ from life to death: (Jesus said) “Very truly, I tell you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life, and does not come under judgement, but has passed from death to life” (John 5.24). If there is something to ‘pass on’ to then we can begin to explore what that might be and Christian Faith has much to say about death and dying and how we need to live. I know it goes against the grain of much current Western thinking and can be challenging for many (so best not thought about). But for those who want to listen and, maybe, learn, Jesus has much wisdom to offer.

I will remember the widow in my prayers as I do all who are bereft of loved ones who face the sense of sorrow and loss at their death. And I will pray for the soul of him who died and has ‘passed on’:

N., our companion in life and child of God,
we entrust you to the One who created you.
May you return to the Most High who formed you
from the dust of the earth.
May the angels and the saints come to meet you
as you go forth from this life.
May Christ, who was crucified for you,
take you into his Kingdom.
May Christ the Good Shepherd
give you a place within his flock.
May Christ forgive you your sins
and keep you among his people.
May you see your Redeemer face to face
and delight in the vision of God for ever.

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