Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Rooks ascending into the flat-grey sky;
proud lime trees raising their arms against this reredos
inviting all to join in a great oremus on this day.

Though bare of their vestments they rejoice in their being
they rejoice in their – treeness – and witness to the mystery of life
hidden within their gnarled frame.

The Mass ended and we left in shalom,
to warm greetings from our world-wide sisters and brothers 
gathered this day.
Ghana and Jamaica, Sri Lanka and the Philippines had nurtured them
who now enrich our common humanity
as we celebrate our unity.
‘And we have seen his glory' in this multi-coloured throng
This human diamond which flashes brightly 
from the blaze of a divine heart
– O come, let us adore Him, born this happy morning!

For most today is about the tinsel-wrapped bark of life, 
not its glory,
glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.
Yet glory lights this ashen, wind-swept sky.
Behind the masque the mystery.
So adore the hidden beauty of these
oh so solid guardians – these angels who surround us
in the grey void.
We know that no-thing is there,
yet we wonder that the articifer of life
has loved it all into being and that love enfolds it all.
That we exist in a skywide ocean of love.

That’s what I want to celebrate!
This small garden of delights is where I can contemplate 
the wonder of heaven.
All that is best, the more-ness of life, its fecundity 
even in winter,
the mystery that lies beyond has entered into a tiny space
and infused all space with hidden glory.

So, yes, glory to God on earth as it is in heaven
– and shalom, justice, peace and goodwill to all.

Look long and relish this gift.

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