Saturday, August 22, 2015


Like many I read the news and watch reports concerning the growing humanitarian crisis around Europe and on our borders caused by the mass exodus of people from war-torn and impoverished countries.  And, like many, I feel helpless.  I also fee a deep sense of shame as I sit in the security and wealth that being a citizen of the UK affords me and watch the only response that our Government seems willing or able to take being to treat these refugees like wild animals.  So I have done the one thing I can do - written to my MP and to the Prime Minister.  Here is what I wrote to the former:

I am writing to you to express my horror and disgust at the apparent lack of action by the Government in addressing the humanitarian crisis on our borders.  As a Member of Parliament you are in a better position than I to know what action is being taken to assist those fleeing persecution who have arrived at Calais but I am left with the clear impression that the Government is doing nothing more than erecting more defenses to prevent illegal entry to the UK.

This is a wholly inadequate response given the fact that so many are from Christian and other minorities in Iraq and Syria who have fled persecution in their own countries.  As a UK citizen I feel a deep sense of shame at inhumane response of Mr. Cameron’s government.  I realise that Parliament is in recess at this time but cannot understand why, in the face of this crisis, it has not been recalled to debate how we can assist those in need of our help and protection. 

I would be grateful if you would explore how Parliament might be brought into session and demand that we act with compassion and mercy towards our fellow human beings in need.

You may like to do the same.  Mr. Cameron's email address is:

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